It’s been 5 years . . . .
The first time I saw a counselor after the accident she asked me what my goal was, what I wanted to achieve in counseling. The only answer I could give her was “I don’t want to be like a grieving mom I know. Her son died 5 years ago and she still acts like it was yesterday”.
5 years seemed so far away.
But here I am 5 years later and it went by in a flash.
And I understand now, I will always grieve the loss of my boys. Some days it will feel like it just happened yesterday. Other days it will feel like it was a lifetime ago. Some days the pain will be more than I can bear. Other days it will be a small flicker in the background of my life. But it will never go away.
It will always be with me, but it doesn’t have to define me.
That was my goal in the beginning of all this, to grieve the loss of my boys but not let the accident and the loss become my identity.
5 years later . . . I’m still working on it.
Thank you for sharing. Grieving is so unpredictable, and I really appreciate how you always bring it back to honest truth. God is with you and it is blessing others.
Thank you Mike
Teresa, I won’t pretend that I pray some deep theologically deep prayer for you every day but just as I am right now, I often ask our Risen Lord to continue to bring comfort to you and to continue to strengthen you.
Thank you Peter. That is the best prayer. 🙂
This was beautiful. Thank you for sharing…love ya!