Meet Me


On January 22, 2011 I lost my only 2 children in a car accident. A split second and my entire world was shattered. I spent the next few years picking up the pieces of my shattered life. Part of rebuilding my life has taken me back to school. I am currently enrolled in a Masters in Counseling program. My goal is to be able to help others like me who’ve had their lives ripped apart.

HOPE. That has been my word from the beginning. After the shock wore off and my brain slowly began to function my initial thoughts were of the hope God offers us. One of the first things that raced through my mind was a fragment of a verse I’d memorized long ago. As quick as lightening the thought “God works all things together for good” flashed through my mind. The realization that God could bring something good out of anything, even losing my children was a promise I clung to. I have been clinging to that Hope, that promise from God with a death grip. It is what gets me up in the morning, it’s what keeps me taking that next step.

This blog is a step toward that goal. I hope by sharing my story others can find comfort and hope in their situation.


This is me

This is me out at the accident site.


5 thoughts to “Meet Me”

  1. Dear Teresa – I am quite smitten by your story, your blog, and your spirit of hope in the face of devastating loss. God bless you. You have lifted me up with your example of courage and faith.

    “Whenever you are fed up with life, start writing: ink is the great cure for all human ills, as I have found out long ago.” C. S. Lewis

  2. The spiritual gift God gave you of sharing your heart and your struggles opening is surely a blessing to us all. – LJ

  3. Hi Teresa

    A dear friend just sent me your Mother’s Day blog post, and then I read your blog post about not being ready to decorate your house for Christmas. And now I am now a subscriber. I lost my son Matthew over 5 years ago, so this is my 6th Mother’s Day. I was never a big fan of the day…. calling it a Hallmark holiday… but what we figured out that he and his younger brother, my husband and I would take a Mother’s Day hike. We all liked to hike and be outdoors together. It was a good plan. In 2008, my “boys” (then 19 & 23) were re-building the Ninth Ward in post-Katrina New Orleans on Mother’s Day. So, that year they called my voice mail and left a rap song they had written about us. I still have that precious mothers day rap on my voice mail. A good friend of mine had encouraged me to start a blog called “mom in recovery” – about grieving, and healing from the loss of Matthew. I have done a lot of writing over the years, but I have yet to start a blog. Thank you for doing this. I can so relate to your loving being a mother of sons.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story with me. Your boys sound like fun. 🙂 I’ll bet you had a great time on your Mother’s Day hikes. Having sons is the best. I miss my boys, as I’m sure you miss your Matthew. If you enjoy writing, I would encourage you to keep at it and start a blog. I love the title your friend picked out. 😉

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